Title: Multiview of Castle Shannon Postcards – Description: This is a photo postcard that is a multiview of several postcards of Castle Shannon. Included are the Castle Shannon Hotel, the Waterman Hotel, St. Ann's Church and the golf links. – Date (origin): 1912 – Picture ID #: 0008
Title: First National Bank – Castle Shannon – Description: This is another picture taken of the First National Bank in Castle Shannon from a photo postcard. It shows an angle that gives lots of detail, including a horse and buggy on a hitching post. The house seen in this picture is present day 3730 Poplar Avenue. – Date (origin): 1912 – Picture ID #: 0029
Title: Castle Shannon Hotel – Description: This is a picture of the Castle Shannon Hotel at the corner of Washington Avenue and Railroad Street in 1915. The Castle Shannon Hotel was built in 1874 by Philip Goeddel. This was Castle Shannons first business. Mary Anne Schenot and her husband leased the hotel in 1903 and later purchased it from Goeddel. Mrs. Schenot ran it until her death in 1937. This is why the hotel was also known as Schenot's Hotel. – Date (origin): 1915 – Picture ID #: 0012
Title: Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Corporation – Company Mine #2 Store – Description: This company store stood at Chestnut Street and Willow Avenue. It burned down in 1930. The original structure was built in 1902. – Date (origin): 1909 – Picture ID #: 0015
Title: The Pearl Theater Description: This is a picture of the Pearl Theater owned by Mary Schenot. It was on Railroad Street near Washington Avenue. The current site, where the theater stood, is 3803 Willow Avenue. The theater burned down in 1951, when it was known as the Castle Theater. – Date (origin): 1920 – Picture ID #: 001312
Title: Castle Shannon Inter Urban Trolley – Description: This picture was taken on Railroad Street near what is now Castle Shannon Boulevard, at the site of the former Castle Shannon Borough Building. This particular trolley went to Washington, PA. – Date (origin): 1912 – Picture ID #: 0016
Title: Saxonwald Greenhouses – Description: This is a photo postcard of the Saxonwald Greenhouses. These greenhouses stood at the corner of Library Road and Grove Road. They were owned by Henry Mushke and built in the late 1800's to early 1900's. – Date (origin): 1917 – Picture ID #: 0020
Title: Castle Shannon Hotel – 1890 – Description: This is a picture of The Castle Shannon Hotel, Castle Shannon's oldest business. It was built in 1874 at the present corner of Willow Avenue and Castle Shannon Boulevard by William Goettel. The grocery store on the right became The Pearl Theater. – Date (origin): 1890 – Picture ID #: 0021
Title: William Hold Bakery – Description: This is a picture of the William Hold Bakery. It was built right down the road from The Castle Shannon Hotel in 1878. Here you can see William Hold and his brother Louis standing in front of the building, which burned down in the Great Fire of 1915. – Date (origin): 1880 – Picture ID #: 0022
Title: William Hold Bakery – Lunchroom – Description: This is a picture of the William Hold Bakery in 1910 after a lunchroom and ice cream parlor were added. On the right you can see The Castle Shannon Hotel. – Date (origin): 1910 – Picture ID #: 0023
Title: Castle Shannon Athletic Club – Description: This is a picture of the soccer fields at the Castle Shannon Athletic Club. This is where the soccer club was housed. – Date (origin): 1950 – Picture ID #: 0093
Title: Castle Shannon Hotel – 1910 – Description: This is a photo postcard of the Castle Shannon Hotel. M. A. Schenot was the proprietor as indicated by the sign. If you look carefully you can see the detail of the front porch that was added well after the hotel was built. – Date (origin): 1910 – Picture ID #: 0032
Title: First National Bank of Castle Shannon – Description: This is a picture of the First National Bank of Castle Shannon, which was established in 1904 along Poplar Avenue. This was the site of the big bank robbery on May 14, 1917. Note the hitching post in front. This is believed to be the first bank in the South Hills. – Date (origin): 1910 – Picture ID #: 0010