Title: Greeting Card – 1910 – Description: This is an example of a greeting card produced for the community. This is from Kathleen Vitte's house, a Shannon resident who had this one routed from Carnegie, PA. – Date (origin): 1910 – Picture ID #: 0009
Title: Great Fire of 1915 – William Hold Bakery – Description: This is a picture of remains of the William Hold Bakery after the Great Fire of 1915. The Hold Bakery was built in 1878 and burned down on August 30, 1915. – Date (origin): 1915 – Picture ID #: 0044
Title: Great Fire of 1915 – Aftermath – Description: This is a 3-panel picture from the Great Fire of 1915. The original caption of this photo explains that it appeared in the Pittsburgh Sun. This shows three shots of the William Hold Bakery after the fire. – Date (origin): 1915 – Picture ID #: 0043
Title: Great Fire of 1915 – William Hold Bakery the day after – Description: This is a picture of the William Hold Bakery the day after it burned down. William Hold is standing on the right side of the picture. – Date (origin): 1915 – Picture ID #: 0045
Title: William Smith (1884 – 1962) – Description: This is a picture of William Smith taken in 1910. William Smith was the oldest grandson of William Smith who was the owner of the Smith Farm and much of the land of Castle Shannon. William Smith was a Biologist and a Biology teacher at Schenley High School. Many of the photographs for the newspaper 'The News' were taken by him. We also have him to thank for many our images used on this web site. – Date (origin): 1910 – Picture ID #: 0028