Title: Snow Plow Trolley – Description: This is a picture of a snow plow used to the clear the tracks on the trolley line. – Date (origin): 1943 – Picture ID #: 0095
Title: Pittsburgh Castle Shannon Railroad Tracks towards Castle Shannon Boulevard – Description: This is a picture looking down the railroad tracks of the Pittsburgh Castle Shannon Railroad towards Castle Shannon Boulevard. – Date (origin): 1925 – Picture ID #: 0057
Title: Wooden Railroad Trestle – Description: This is a picture taken from the top of a wooden railroad trestle. This trestle predates concrete and iron bridges. You can see the pipe organ factory off to the left. – Date (origin): 1930 – Picture ID #: 0084
Title: Flat Bed Motor and Snow Plow – Description: This is a picture of a flat bed snow plow. In the background you can see Castle Shannon Boulevard. – Date (origin): 1943 – Picture ID #: 0094