Title: Castle Shannon from Hamilton Road – Description: This is a panorama shot of Castle Shannon taken from near Hamilton Road. In the foreground are the Presbyterian Church and the old school house on the hill. This picture is from approximately 1900 before the railroad developed the hill. – Date (origin): 1900 Picture ID #: 0007
Title: A Bird's Eye View of Castle Shannon – West Side Belt Railroad – Description: In this picture you can see the village of Castle Shannon as laid out by the Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon Railroad in 1872. The West Side railroad trestle crosses over the Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon railroad tracks. Poplar Avenue parallels the West Side belt tracks. Other streets shown are Willow Ave, Pine Ave, and Locust Ave. – Date (origin): 1909 – Picture ID #: 0003
Title: View from Thompson Terrace – Business Section of Poplar and Willow Avenues – Description: This is a picture of the business section of Poplar and Willow Avenues viewed from Thompson Terrace, taken from a 1908 photo postcard. Among the businesses along Willow Avenue you can see Belzhoover's General Store, Klein's Boots and Shoes, and the Oddfellow's Hall. Across the railroad tracks are the businesses burned down during the great fire of 1915. Along Poplar Avenue there was the First National Bank of Castle Shannon and Ralph W. Martin's Grocery Store. – Date (origin): 1908 – Picture ID #: 0002
Title: Early 20th Century Panorama – Intersection of Castle Shannon Boulevard and Willow Avenue – Description: This is a picture of the intersection of 1916 Castle Shannon Boulevard and Willow Avenue taken from a photo postcard. Major features include the Castle Shannon Golf Club, repair shops for the Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon Railroad, the Methodist Protestant Church and the Castle Shannon Hotel. – Date (origin): 1916 – Picture ID #: 0001
Title: Chestnut, Elm and Poplar Streets – 1909 – Description: Early 20th century Castle Shannon panorama showing Chestnut and Elm streets and Poplar Ave. Points of interest include Presbyterian Church on top of the hill, company story, and West Side Belt Railroad station. – Date (origin): 1909 – Picture ID #: 0005
Title: View of Willow Avenue from Thompson Terrace – 1890's – Description: This is a panorama of early 20th century Castle Shannon taken from Thompson Terrace. Streets shown are Washington Ave, Park Ave, and Willow Ave in the business section. Also shown are the Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon railroad tracks, passenger and freight station. – Date (origin): 1890 – Picture ID #: 0006
Title: Extension of Poplar Avenue and Chestnut Street – Description: This is a picture of Poplar Avenue and Chestnut Street from a 1909 photo postcard. You can see in the background the First Presbyterian Church standing where it was originally built in 1898. Near the bottom is the right of way that became the route for the trolley. – Date (origin): 1909 – Picture ID #: 0004