Title: Multiview of Castle Shannon Postcards - Description: This is a photo postcard that is a multiview of several postcards of Castle Shannon. Included are the Castle Shannon Hotel, the Waterman Hotel, St. Ann's Church and the golf links. - Date (origin): 1912 - Picture ID #: 0008
Title: First National Bank - Castle Shannon - Description: This is another picture taken of the First National Bank in Castle Shannon from a photo postcard. It shows an angle that gives lots of detail, including a horse and buggy on a hitching post. The house seen in this picture is present day 3730 Poplar Avenue. - Date (origin): 1912 - Picture ID #: 0029
Title: Castle Shannon Hotel - Description: This is a picture of the Castle Shannon Hotel at the corner of Washington Avenue and Railroad Street in 1915. The Castle Shannon Hotel was built in 1874 by Philip Goeddel. This was Castle Shannons first business. Mary Anne Schenot and her husband leased the hotel in 1903 and later purchased it from Goeddel. Mrs. Schenot ran it until her death in 1937. This is why the hotel was also known as Schenot's Hotel. - Date (origin): 1915 - Picture ID #: 0012
Title: Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Corporation - Company Mine #2 Store - Description: This company store stood at Chestnut Street and Willow Avenue. It burned down in 1930. The original structure was built in 1902. - Date (origin): 1909 - Picture ID #: 0015
Title: The Pearl Theater Description: This is a picture of the Pearl Theater owned by Mary Schenot. It was on Railroad Street near Washington Avenue. The current site, where the theater stood, is 3803 Willow Avenue. The theater burned down in 1951, when it was known as the Castle Theater. - Date (origin): 1920 - Picture ID #: 001312
Title: Castle Shannon Inter Urban Trolley - Description: This picture was taken on Railroad Street near what is now Castle Shannon Boulevard, at the site of the former Castle Shannon Borough Building. This particular trolley went to Washington, PA. - Date (origin): 1912 - Picture ID #: 0016
Title: Saxonwald Greenhouses - Description: This is a photo postcard of the Saxonwald Greenhouses. These greenhouses stood at the corner of Library Road and Grove Road. They were owned by Henry Mushke and built in the late 1800's to early 1900's. - Date (origin): 1917 - Picture ID #: 0020
Title: Castle Shannon Hotel - 1890 - Description: This is a picture of The Castle Shannon Hotel, Castle Shannon's oldest business. It was built in 1874 at the present corner of Willow Avenue and Castle Shannon Boulevard by William Goettel. The grocery store on the right became The Pearl Theater. - Date (origin): 1890 - Picture ID #: 0021
Title: William Hold Bakery - Description: This is a picture of the William Hold Bakery. It was built right down the road from The Castle Shannon Hotel in 1878. Here you can see William Hold and his brother Louis standing in front of the building, which burned down in the Great Fire of 1915. - Date (origin): 1880 - Picture ID #: 0022
Title: William Hold Bakery - Lunchroom - Description: This is a picture of the William Hold Bakery in 1910 after a lunchroom and ice cream parlor were added. On the right you can see The Castle Shannon Hotel. - Date (origin): 1910 - Picture ID #: 0023
Title: Castle Shannon Athletic Club - Description: This is a picture of the soccer fields at the Castle Shannon Athletic Club. This is where the soccer club was housed. - Date (origin): 1950 - Picture ID #: 0093
Title: Castle Shannon Hotel - 1910 - Description: This is a photo postcard of the Castle Shannon Hotel. M. A. Schenot was the proprietor as indicated by the sign. If you look carefully you can see the detail of the front porch that was added well after the hotel was built. - Date (origin): 1910 - Picture ID #: 0032
Title: First National Bank of Castle Shannon - Description: This is a picture of the First National Bank of Castle Shannon, which was established in 1904 along Poplar Avenue. This was the site of the big bank robbery on May 14, 1917. Note the hitching post in front. This is believed to be the first bank in the South Hills. - Date (origin): 1910 - Picture ID #: 0010
Title: St. Anne's Church - 1909 - Description: This is a picture of the original St. Anne's Church that stood from 1893 to 1963. This building stood at the corner of Willow and Rockwood. You'll notice the parish house to the right. After the steeple was struck by lightning the bell was moved up the hill. - Date (origin): 1909 - Picture ID #: 0033
Title: St. Anne's Church and School - 1915 - Description: This is a picture of St. Anne's Church, school and convent. This is the building that originally stood at Rockwood Avenue and Margaretta. If you look carefully you can see St. Anne's Cemetary in the background. - Date (origin): 1915 - Picture ID #: 0034
Title: German Evangelic Church - 1913 - Description: This is a picture of the German Evangelic Church as it stood in 1913. - Date (origin): 1900 - Picture ID #: 0036
Title: Methodist Church - Description: This is a picture of the original Methodist church in Castle Shannon. It stands on the corner of Myrtle and Castle Shannon Boulevard. If you look carefully you can see how the bell tower has changed. - Date (origin): 1900 - Picture ID #:0037
Title: Presbyterian Church - 1911 - Description: This is a picture of the Presbyterian church as it stood on the hill from 1898 to 1911. - Date (origin): 1911 - Picture ID #: 0038
Title: Christmas 1898 - Presbyterian Church - Description: This is a picture of the Presbyterian church's altar decorated for Christmas in 1898. - Date (origin): 1898 - Picture ID #: 0039
Title: Greeting Card - 1910 - Description: This is an example of a greeting card produced for the community. This is from Kathleen Vitte's house, a Shannon resident who had this one routed from Carnegie, PA. - Date (origin): 1910 - Picture ID #: 0009
Title: Great Fire of 1915 - William Hold Bakery - Description: This is a picture of remains of the William Hold Bakery after the Great Fire of 1915. The Hold Bakery was built in 1878 and burned down on August 30, 1915. - Date (origin): 1915 - Picture ID #: 0044
Title: Great Fire of 1915 - Aftermath - Description: This is a 3-panel picture from the Great Fire of 1915. The original caption of this photo explains that it appeared in the Pittsburgh Sun. This shows three shots of the William Hold Bakery after the fire. - Date (origin): 1915 - Picture ID #: 0043
Title: Great Fire of 1915 - William Hold Bakery the day after - Description: This is a picture of the William Hold Bakery the day after it burned down. William Hold is standing on the right side of the picture. - Date (origin): 1915 - Picture ID #: 0045
Title: William Smith (1884 - 1962) - Description: This is a picture of William Smith taken in 1910. William Smith was the oldest grandson of William Smith who was the owner of the Smith Farm and much of the land of Castle Shannon. William Smith was a Biologist and a Biology teacher at Schenley High School. Many of the photographs for the newspaper 'The News' were taken by him. We also have him to thank for many our images used on this web site. - Date (origin): 1910 - Picture ID #: 0028
Title: Castle Shannon Golf Club Annual Banquet - 1915 - Description: This is a picture of the annual Castle Shannon Golf Club banquet taken in 1915 at the Fort Pitt Hotel. This was provided by Charles Carroll of the Mt. Lebanon Golf Club. - Date (origin): 1915 - Picture ID #: 0026
Title: Castle Shannon Golf Course - The Club House Description: This is a photo postcard picture of the original club house for the Castle Shannon Golf Course taken in 1914. - Date (origin): 1914 - Picture ID #: 0025
Title: Castle Shannon Golf Course - Description: This is a newspaper clipping, from "The News", of the early Castle Shannon Golf Club. It was built on the William Smith farm in 1907. In this picture you can see the grounds crew (many of the Smith Family) putting together the greens. - Date (origin): 1907 - Picture ID #: 0024
Title: Company Houses - Library Road condemned - Description: This is a picture from the Hilltop Record of the company houses along Library Road when they were being condemned. You'll notice that houses are below the road. - Date (origin): 1948 - Picture ID #: 0076
Title: Castle Shannon Coal trucks loading - Description: This is a picture of the trucks from Castle Shannon Coal in the terminal loading area. - Date (origin): 1931 - Picture ID #: 0062
Title: Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Corporation Mine 2 - Coal Tupple - Description: This is a picture of the coal tupple for the Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Corporation. In the background you can see mining houses and street cars running under the conveyor belt. This mine was open from 1902 until 1938. - Date (origin): 1931 - Picture ID #: 0060
Title: Hilltop View from a Company House - Description: This is a view from the hill above Library Road, where the company houses once stood. On the top right stand the smoke stacks and Saxonwald Greenhouses. On the right you can see the trolley barn. - Date (origin): 1961 - Picture ID #: 0091
Title: House 23 - 24 - Description: This is a picture of a typical mining house on Route 88 (Library Road). These houses were condemned and knocked down. - Date (origin): 1947 - Picture ID #: 0089
Title: Library Road Houses - Description: This is a picture of a mining house on Route 88 (Library Road). The row directly behind shows more mining houses and off in the right top corner is a new development of Rolling Rock Road in Baldwin Township. - Date (origin): 1947 - Picture ID #: 0087
Title: Library Road near Havelock - Description: This is a picture of Library Road looking north towards the Castle Tavern. - Date (origin): 1940 - Picture ID #: 0080
Title: Company Houses - Rear View Library Road - Description: This is a picture of newer houses on Library Road near The Grove. This is early in the time of the houses. Many of the workers in the company store were German, as were many business owners at this time. As a historical marker, you can see the Saxonwald Greenhouses in the background. - Date (origin): 1909 - Picture ID #: 0079
Title: Company Houses - Rear View Library Road - Description: This is a picture of the company houses on Library Road from the back side, from the area of where The Castle Tavern now stands. In the background you can see the slag piles behind some of the houses. - Date (origin): 1920 - Picture ID #: 0078
Title: Company Houses - Rear View Library Road - Description: This is a picture of the back side of the company houses that stood on Library Road. This picture was originally mispublished as part of Upper St. Clair. They were eventually all knocked down. - Date (origin): 1920 - Picture ID #: 0077
Title: Company Store - Inside - Description: This is a picture of the inside of the Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Company store. - Date (origin): 1910 - Picture ID #: 0075
Title: Company Store - Winter Time - Description: This is a picture of the company store in the winter time. You'll notice at the back is a school house. This school house pre-dates the store. This is the original building where the Hamilton School bell hung. - Date (origin): 1910
Title: Company Store - Description: This is a picture of the Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Corporation company store during a typical day. - Date (origin): 1910 - Picture ID #: 0073
Title: After the mines - 4 - Description: This is a picture that shows the mining area after the coal tipple was knocked down. This picture shows the hollow after the mines had been closed. - Date (origin): 1949 - Picture ID #: 0071
Title: After the mines - 2 - Description: This is a picture that shows the mining area after the coal tipple was knocked down. The mining houses were condemned. This particular photo shows where the trolley line stopped. - Date (origin): 1949 - Picture ID #: 0070
Title: After the mines - 2 - Description: This is a picture that shows what the area between Kilarney and Linden Grove looked like after the coal tipple was knocked down. You can see the Castle Tavern in the top left corner. The mining houses were destroyed in 1948. - Date (origin): 1949 - Picture ID #: 0069
Title: Picking Tables - Castle Shannon Coal - Description: This is an example of advertising for Castle Shannon Coal Company in a local newspaper during the 1930's. - Date (origin): 1931 - Picture ID #: 0066
Title: Shaker Screens - Castle Shannon Coal - Description: This is an example of advertising for Castle Shannon Coal Company in a local newspaper. - Date (origin): 1931 - Picture ID #: 0065
Title: Snow Plow Trolley - Description: This is a picture of a snow plow used to the clear the tracks on the trolley line. - Date (origin): 1943 - Picture ID #: 0095
Title: Pittsburgh Castle Shannon Railroad Tracks towards Castle Shannon Boulevard - Description: This is a picture looking down the railroad tracks of the Pittsburgh Castle Shannon Railroad towards Castle Shannon Boulevard. - Date (origin): 1925 - Picture ID #: 0057
Title: Wooden Railroad Trestle - Description: This is a picture taken from the top of a wooden railroad trestle. This trestle predates concrete and iron bridges. You can see the pipe organ factory off to the left. - Date (origin): 1930 - Picture ID #: 0084
Title: Flat Bed Motor and Snow Plow - Description: This is a picture of a flat bed snow plow. In the background you can see Castle Shannon Boulevard. - Date (origin): 1943 - Picture ID #: 0094
Title: Castle Shannon from Hamilton Road - Description: This is a panorama shot of Castle Shannon taken from near Hamilton Road. In the foreground are the Presbyterian Church and the old school house on the hill. This picture is from approximately 1900 before the railroad developed the hill. - Date (origin): 1900 Picture ID #: 0007
Title: A Bird's Eye View of Castle Shannon - West Side Belt Railroad - Description: In this picture you can see the village of Castle Shannon as laid out by the Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon Railroad in 1872. The West Side railroad trestle crosses over the Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon railroad tracks. Poplar Avenue parallels the West Side belt tracks. Other streets shown are Willow Ave, Pine Ave, and Locust Ave. - Date (origin): 1909 - Picture ID #: 0003
Title: View from Thompson Terrace - Business Section of Poplar and Willow Avenues - Description: This is a picture of the business section of Poplar and Willow Avenues viewed from Thompson Terrace, taken from a 1908 photo postcard. Among the businesses along Willow Avenue you can see Belzhoover's General Store, Klein's Boots and Shoes, and the Oddfellow's Hall. Across the railroad tracks are the businesses burned down during the great fire of 1915. Along Poplar Avenue there was the First National Bank of Castle Shannon and Ralph W. Martin's Grocery Store. - Date (origin): 1908 - Picture ID #: 0002
Title: Early 20th Century Panorama - Intersection of Castle Shannon Boulevard and Willow Avenue - Description: This is a picture of the intersection of 1916 Castle Shannon Boulevard and Willow Avenue taken from a photo postcard. Major features include the Castle Shannon Golf Club, repair shops for the Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon Railroad, the Methodist Protestant Church and the Castle Shannon Hotel. - Date (origin): 1916 - Picture ID #: 0001
Title: Chestnut, Elm and Poplar Streets - 1909 - Description: Early 20th century Castle Shannon panorama showing Chestnut and Elm streets and Poplar Ave. Points of interest include Presbyterian Church on top of the hill, company story, and West Side Belt Railroad station. - Date (origin): 1909 - Picture ID #: 0005
Title: View of Willow Avenue from Thompson Terrace - 1890's - Description: This is a panorama of early 20th century Castle Shannon taken from Thompson Terrace. Streets shown are Washington Ave, Park Ave, and Willow Ave in the business section. Also shown are the Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon railroad tracks, passenger and freight station. - Date (origin): 1890 - Picture ID #: 0006
Title: Extension of Poplar Avenue and Chestnut Street - Description: This is a picture of Poplar Avenue and Chestnut Street from a 1909 photo postcard. You can see in the background the First Presbyterian Church standing where it was originally built in 1898. Near the bottom is the right of way that became the route for the trolley. - Date (origin): 1909 - Picture ID #: 0004
Title: St. Anne's Church and School - 1915 - Description: This is a picture of St. Anne's Church, school and convent. This is the building that originally stood at Rockwood Avenue and Margaretta. If you look carefully you can see St. Anne's Cemetary in the background. - Date (origin): 1915 - Picture ID #: 0034
Title: St. Anne's School House - 1900 - Description: This is a picture of how the original St. Ann's school looked before a brick fascade was added. - Date (origin): 1900 - Picture ID #: 0035
Title: Hamilton School Bell - 1900 - Description: This is a picture of the original bell that was used at Hamilton School. The picture was taken inside the bell tower by Jasper Evans, the former Mayor of Castle Shannon. - Date (origin): 1900 - Picture ID #: 0049
Title: Municipal Library - Borough Building - Description: This is a picture of the library as it looked in 1959 when it was housed in the borough building. The library was then called the Castle Shannon Municipal Library. - Date (origin): 1959 - Picture ID #: 0052
Title: Castle Shannon Municipal Building - Description: This is a picture of the Municipal Building where the original Castle Shannon Library was housed. It was on Willow Avenue and was originally a storage facility for the Pittsburgh-Castle Shannon Railroad. - Date (origin): 1959 - Picture ID #: 0053
Title: Corner of Pine and Poplar - 1915 - Description: This is a picture early prominent Castle Shannon residences at the corner of Pine and Poplar Avenues which were constructed in the early 1900's. The house at 3726 Poplar Avenue was built by Doctor Poole, and was later the residence of Samuel Barton, long-time president of the bank. The house at 3730 Poplar Avenue was constructed by the Mesta family and later on was the long-time residence and office of Doctor William Scott. - Date (origin): 1915 - Picture ID #: 0011
Title: Street Scene of Business Section - Willow Avenue and Park Avenue -Description: This is a picture of the business district with Belzhoover's General Store and in the background you can see the Odd Fellows Home. - Date (origin): 1912 - Picture ID #: 0017
Title: Street Scene - Willow Avenue - Description: This picture was taken across the Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon Railroad tracks. This is the site of the Great Fire of 1915. All of the buildings pictured burned down in August 1915. In the leftcorner you can see the wooden trestle for the belt railroad. - Date (origin): 1910 - Picture ID #: 0018
Title: 940 Locust Street - 1909 - Description: This is a picture of 940 Locust Street in 1909. This home was owned by Mrs. E. J. Beltzhoover and taken by William Smith. It is adjacent to the property of the library. - Date (origin): 1909 - Picture ID #: 0027
Title: Park Avenue - 1910 - Description: This is a picture of Park Avenue at the beginning of the 20th Century. This was taken from a newspaper clipping from The News. You'll notice all of the farm buildings and present day Myrtle Avenue to the right of the fence. - Date (origin): 1910 - Picture ID #: 0031
Title: Washington Avenue - 1916 - Description: This is a picture of Washington Avenue (now known as Castle Shannon Boulevard) after the great fire of 1915. It shows the Castle Shannon Hotel and Laughlins Funeral Home. You'll also notice how much narrower the road is compared to today. - Date (origin): 1916 - Picture ID #: 0046
Title: Library Road and Castle Shannon Boulevard - Description: This picture was taken from where Waterman's Hotel once stood (now McGuiness). On one corner stands Waterman's Garage and Hilltop Lumber. - Date (origin): 1930 - Picture ID #: 0083
Title: Intersection of Willow and Washington Avenue - 1916 - Description: This is a picture of the intersection of Willow and Washington Avenue (now Castle Shannon Boulevard). On the right is Doyle's Drug Store and across the picture are streetcar tracks. On left side is the Castle Shannon Hotel. - Date (origin): 1916 - Picture ID #: 0048
Title: Washington Avenue - Castle Shannon Hotel - Description: This is view of Washington Avenue looking at the Castle Shannon Hotel. - Date (origin):1916 - Picture ID #: 0047
Title: Connor Road looking towards Library Road - Description: This is a picture of Connor Road looking towards Library Road. To the right you can see the Byzanntine Cementary where Andy Warhol is buried. The left side of the road is Castle Shannon and the right side of the road is Baldwin. - Date (origin): 1948 - Picture ID #: 0085