Title: St. Anne's Church – 1909 – Description: This is a picture of the original St. Anne's Church that stood from 1893 to 1963. This building stood at the corner of Willow and Rockwood. You'll notice the parish house to the right. After the steeple was struck by lightning the bell was moved up the hill. – Date (origin): 1909 – Picture ID #: 0033
Title: St. Anne's Church and School – 1915 – Description: This is a picture of St. Anne's Church, school and convent. This is the building that originally stood at Rockwood Avenue and Margaretta. If you look carefully you can see St. Anne's Cemetary in the background. – Date (origin): 1915 – Picture ID #: 0034
Title: German Evangelic Church – 1913 – Description: This is a picture of the German Evangelic Church as it stood in 1913. – Date (origin): 1900 – Picture ID #: 0036
Title: Methodist Church – Description: This is a picture of the original Methodist church in Castle Shannon. It stands on the corner of Myrtle and Castle Shannon Boulevard. If you look carefully you can see how the bell tower has changed. – Date (origin): 1900 – Picture ID #:0037
Title: Presbyterian Church – 1911 – Description: This is a picture of the Presbyterian church as it stood on the hill from 1898 to 1911. – Date (origin): 1911 – Picture ID #: 0038
Title: Christmas 1898 – Presbyterian Church – Description: This is a picture of the Presbyterian church's altar decorated for Christmas in 1898. – Date (origin): 1898 – Picture ID #: 0039