Title: Company Houses – Library Road condemned – Description: This is a picture from the Hilltop Record of the company houses along Library Road when they were being condemned. You'll notice that houses are below the road. – Date (origin): 1948 – Picture ID #: 0076
Title: Castle Shannon Coal trucks loading – Description: This is a picture of the trucks from Castle Shannon Coal in the terminal loading area. – Date (origin): 1931 – Picture ID #: 0062
Title: Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Corporation Mine 2 – Coal Tupple – Description: This is a picture of the coal tupple for the Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Corporation. In the background you can see mining houses and street cars running under the conveyor belt. This mine was open from 1902 until 1938. – Date (origin): 1931 – Picture ID #: 0060
Title: Hilltop View from a Company House – Description: This is a view from the hill above Library Road, where the company houses once stood. On the top right stand the smoke stacks and Saxonwald Greenhouses. On the right you can see the trolley barn. – Date (origin): 1961 – Picture ID #: 0091
Title: House 23 – 24 – Description: This is a picture of a typical mining house on Route 88 (Library Road). These houses were condemned and knocked down. – Date (origin): 1947 – Picture ID #: 0089
Title: Library Road Houses – Description: This is a picture of a mining house on Route 88 (Library Road). The row directly behind shows more mining houses and off in the right top corner is a new development of Rolling Rock Road in Baldwin Township. – Date (origin): 1947 – Picture ID #: 0087
Title: Library Road near Havelock – Description: This is a picture of Library Road looking north towards the Castle Tavern. – Date (origin): 1940 – Picture ID #: 0080
Title: Company Houses – Rear View Library Road – Description: This is a picture of newer houses on Library Road near The Grove. This is early in the time of the houses. Many of the workers in the company store were German, as were many business owners at this time. As a historical marker, you can see the Saxonwald Greenhouses in the background. – Date (origin): 1909 – Picture ID #: 0079
Title: Company Houses – Rear View Library Road – Description: This is a picture of the company houses on Library Road from the back side, from the area of where The Castle Tavern now stands. In the background you can see the slag piles behind some of the houses. – Date (origin): 1920 – Picture ID #: 0078
Title: Company Houses – Rear View Library Road – Description: This is a picture of the back side of the company houses that stood on Library Road. This picture was originally mispublished as part of Upper St. Clair. They were eventually all knocked down. – Date (origin): 1920 – Picture ID #: 0077
Title: Company Store – Inside – Description: This is a picture of the inside of the Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Company store. – Date (origin): 1910 – Picture ID #: 0075
Title: Company Store – Winter Time – Description: This is a picture of the company store in the winter time. You'll notice at the back is a school house. This school house pre-dates the store. This is the original building where the Hamilton School bell hung. – Date (origin): 1910
Title: Company Store – Description: This is a picture of the Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Corporation company store during a typical day. – Date (origin): 1910 – Picture ID #: 0073
Title: After the mines – 4 – Description: This is a picture that shows the mining area after the coal tipple was knocked down. This picture shows the hollow after the mines had been closed. – Date (origin): 1949 – Picture ID #: 0071
Title: After the mines – 2 – Description: This is a picture that shows the mining area after the coal tipple was knocked down. The mining houses were condemned. This particular photo shows where the trolley line stopped. – Date (origin): 1949 – Picture ID #: 0070
Title: After the mines – 2 – Description: This is a picture that shows what the area between Kilarney and Linden Grove looked like after the coal tipple was knocked down. You can see the Castle Tavern in the top left corner. The mining houses were destroyed in 1948. – Date (origin): 1949 – Picture ID #: 0069
Title: Picking Tables – Castle Shannon Coal – Description: This is an example of advertising for Castle Shannon Coal Company in a local newspaper during the 1930's. – Date (origin): 1931 – Picture ID #: 0066
Title: Shaker Screens – Castle Shannon Coal – Description: This is an example of advertising for Castle Shannon Coal Company in a local newspaper. – Date (origin): 1931 – Picture ID #: 0065