Title: Corner of Pine and Poplar – 1915 – Description: This is a picture early prominent Castle Shannon residences at the corner of Pine and Poplar Avenues which were constructed in the early 1900's. The house at 3726 Poplar Avenue was built by Doctor Poole, and was later the residence of Samuel Barton, long-time president of the bank. The house at 3730 Poplar Avenue was constructed by the Mesta family and later on was the long-time residence and office of Doctor William Scott. – Date (origin): 1915 – Picture ID #: 0011
Title: Street Scene of Business Section – Willow Avenue and Park Avenue -Description: This is a picture of the business district with Belzhoover's General Store and in the background you can see the Odd Fellows Home. – Date (origin): 1912 – Picture ID #: 0017
Title: Street Scene – Willow Avenue – Description: This picture was taken across the Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon Railroad tracks. This is the site of the Great Fire of 1915. All of the buildings pictured burned down in August 1915. In the leftcorner you can see the wooden trestle for the belt railroad. – Date (origin): 1910 – Picture ID #: 0018
Title: 940 Locust Street – 1909 – Description: This is a picture of 940 Locust Street in 1909. This home was owned by Mrs. E. J. Beltzhoover and taken by William Smith. It is adjacent to the property of the library. – Date (origin): 1909 – Picture ID #: 0027
Title: Park Avenue – 1910 – Description: This is a picture of Park Avenue at the beginning of the 20th Century. This was taken from a newspaper clipping from The News. You'll notice all of the farm buildings and present day Myrtle Avenue to the right of the fence. – Date (origin): 1910 – Picture ID #: 0031
Title: Washington Avenue – 1916 – Description: This is a picture of Washington Avenue (now known as Castle Shannon Boulevard) after the great fire of 1915. It shows the Castle Shannon Hotel and Laughlins Funeral Home. You'll also notice how much narrower the road is compared to today. – Date (origin): 1916 – Picture ID #: 0046
Title: Library Road and Castle Shannon Boulevard – Description: This picture was taken from where Waterman's Hotel once stood (now McGuiness). On one corner stands Waterman's Garage and Hilltop Lumber. – Date (origin): 1930 – Picture ID #: 0083
Title: Intersection of Willow and Washington Avenue – 1916 – Description: This is a picture of the intersection of Willow and Washington Avenue (now Castle Shannon Boulevard). On the right is Doyle's Drug Store and across the picture are streetcar tracks. On left side is the Castle Shannon Hotel. – Date (origin): 1916 – Picture ID #: 0048
Title: Washington Avenue – Castle Shannon Hotel – Description: This is view of Washington Avenue looking at the Castle Shannon Hotel. – Date (origin):1916 – Picture ID #: 0047
Title: Connor Road looking towards Library Road – Description: This is a picture of Connor Road looking towards Library Road. To the right you can see the Byzanntine Cementary where Andy Warhol is buried. The left side of the road is Castle Shannon and the right side of the road is Baldwin. – Date (origin): 1948 – Picture ID #: 0085